Monday, December 13, 2010

坏事 bad thing

像是。。。自己词穷,表达力弱,说活有 aunty的影子(不利落,语音上,语文上)

     能够发现自己词穷表达力欠佳,说活不行,这个发现已经是好事一桩了! 那表示我又有东西可以进步,发展了。


It always have something bad in life,
like...I do not have any friend,
like...I am bad in describing or expressing ,and talking in a less elegant way...

but think twice,all of these actually is something great!
     All the friend I am having are those who only wasting my energy .Isn't that great to live wihtout them as I can use my energy at better place?
     The awareness of knowing myself bad in certain thing,its actually a great thing happening,as it reaveal that I've something to improve and to move forward !

everything is good thing!

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This is me

I am Malaysian Chinese Girl. Day job in Partial of ID industry as sales designer(not really designer)... Night,a not-A-class performer,as a singer sometime cum guitarist at not-A-class place,sometime at function like wedding dinner,opening or event like beauty contest. tried to be MC once for opening ceremony. considerably talented(music,art...) but underdeveloped. An ugly duckling,have different life with people around me.Most of the time comfortable and prefer my current social status. full of to do list(wishes) for my life,always. finding my way to expand every aspect of life and want to live life to fullest.