Sunday, January 23, 2011

I lesson down looking into his eyes when communicate with him or just be with him,as I hate noticed he is not looking into me but somewherelse.

I hate him being rude to me so not care.

Its not bad,I can dont find him for couple of day.I can don't miss him for  couple of days.
It's improvement!

It's good to have something for me to acheive and enjoy myself...thanks for everything of that helping hobbies,sing,guitar,my disire of what to expand,hobbies of like massage,have a sweet shower( I love the mandara spa soap,its make me feel its so natural,and Its so clean on my skin after using it!),I love my lovely room which provide me everything distract me from him.

He is bad.I don't know when I will just leave him like that,just  like that.
I hope to be happy,hope to live in bliss.

Social me improved sign

After singing last night,theres an event planner ask me if I interest to sing with them if they have job.I am proud on myself during that conversation,I am able to tell cleary what  am I doing  and I willing to do and ways we can work together,and able to speak and ask to point.

After that,thers another lady ask me for her own party.I am able to tell her cleary what we always do and give her some idea what she need to concern and what roughly it cost with certain kind of package.some sound system. At last only I found out she herself in IOI Bouvelard who can help recommend me to get their permanent contract singing.And I am able to have such a long conversation with her,that with rich information to her,that I believe I have been a proffesional in this industry in this carreer which I always think where it's essentially important for myself,image and future oppurtunity.(professional,and professional image),which definately helpful for my professional image and furute oppurunity.

Also the first time,I have been brave to go right away to that restraunt and meet person incharge who are looking for band.Considerably alright conversation.Good Try!

I can feeling Im improving,In social me,In may be carreer,at least at something I interest.Just try.

Good Job Eve!

One day you will learn neccessary knowledge in industry you are interest and love to do and become a proffessional that services you provide is need by others with appreciation.Then your wonderful carreer life cum life(interest,hobbies,expand talents)coming towards you and You are on raod to success!
everything happen for me,good and bad,is actually good.
bad is refer to not getting result I  want,but it doesn't really mean bad,instead,Its good.

After previous half year "bad experience",I have so much improve on every aspect of my life.Significantly on social,may be It's not an ideal outcome yet,at least,there's a good sign at begin.On my attitude,conversation ingredient,language,on my attitude towards others,on conception of mine to others.At least its give me an idea where to move towards,roughly.---I cant stay in my world forever,I have to find a balance between the true me,and the social me there's sometime some fake due to manners and reserve for future oppurtunity,but there's still plenty of room for me for showing my real coulour and shine on it.

I will have a success social life that enrich my life and my carreer,yet I will not lost inside,instead ,I have a rich spiritual status.


It had been  long time to me.Haven't have this kind of smooth writing experience since high school.
I love expressing myself,It make me feel better.It help me clarify myself,my situation.At least Its where I release everything inside me.

I love it.Thanks to everything help me having all this...Blog,internet...a lovely background music,lovely laptop,surronding for me to slow down,think and do,thanks.

I am happy,blissful inside me,after few blog,my mood have 180' changed.感恩,感谢

out,explore and get inspired!

It is always smart choice to go out.without any reason,just out,and will always been inspired.

Out,mean out of my very own world,it can be expose  to reading material,pictures,anything from outside.It always will like a reminder of my real me,it inspire me,and remind me what I want to do inside me....

When I see pretty  girl with perfect body figure and adorable image,I think to myself ,I can,If I choose to
When I see great performance,I think to myself,I can,If I choose to...
When I see someone do something,travel, photographed life,I think to myself,I can,If I choose to

Just have to go out of world ,and get inspired.You've got lot things to do! Excited one!
There's begin of expanding,there's begin of life.


Regardless of few frustration  or impatience.


start blogging is right,clarify myself.
start improve guitar and singing and on stage is right,expand my talent,and unexpected prepare for future oppurtunity.
working in this fucking place with fucking people is right,so it give me and comparison of what I real like,and it give me some 'benefit' like time and place to do my own thing that is more meaningful to me,and money for some expences and a shelter for these passing time..I should always thank this fucking place.

I will keep finding my life path to acheive real LIFE!

I will keep doing thing priritize happiness and enjoy!Do thing for free Do thing for passion DONT do thing for  cheap.
I am getting more and more impatience in this job.I am getting more and more cant stand of this two 'boss'!I am getting xxx to communicate with them in that way,and to have this kind of work life,have to do lot of meaningless detail thing,time,allowence,tiny job.and in a room with brainless colleague.

I  am so want to have an exciting carreer life.
I am so want my dream life,with thing i dream to have....
my own lovely own home,own space
with own functional and extraordinary design
lovely white suzuki swift,and excellent driving experience,
some branded lovely bags with white IPhone 4 and IPad,using them for my love carreer and hobbies,
wear things I like,
free on time,location,things to do and ways to do....contributive....exciting job,exciting people,exciting life!!
I can massage whenever wherever I want,travel and experience wherever and whenever I want...
I learn hobbies and expand my talent like music,singing,insturment,dancing,talking,language,photography,arts..
I learn and improve of myself in every aspect of my life.I look good ,feel good,do good,having great life!!!
inside me theres anger.
because of her,yesterday and today.
and little bit of myself.

because of ,she borrow money from me.after minutes of 'caring conversation'.I am so down because I suspect of the conversation before is a real care or just open conversation to borrow money from me?And I am down because I dont like to see the people I care have this kind of life,get used to borrow money always.I hope they can have comfort life,at least managable finacial status!
Because of myself,I dont know whatt to do is right.If I  don't borrow its like being selfish to her,If borrow her,is like supporting her bad habit.And I don't know what to do can really help her and I  feel good myself at the same time.Finally,I borrow her,but I doesn't feel good until this moment as I realize I'm not doing thing in a getting better result way.

Today,grandma call me ask me If I go back tonight,ask me to bring them out for dinner as her family went for wedding dinner.
I am so upset,She borrow money from me of reason to buy vege,and she didnt! Secondly,she just do her thing ,just like that,and expect me as spare tyre,to bring them out??!!! I love bringing them out to eat...But not in this way!!! They just take it from granted!! I am so upset!!

Dont bring them,Its like Im so Careless,and I hate leave them alone,and helpless!I hate it!
Bring them,I dont like to so easily meet their expetation till they are more and more take it from granted!

Next time I wont borrow her money.
I dont want to support her bad habit by doing this.
Next time I wont agree on what they expect me to do,unless earlier inform and by requesting.Its not I HAVE TO be spare tyre!  I will do it MY WAY where my love and care is not waste in being taken for granted!!

I hope them know that I love them even though Im not doing thing they want me to do.
I hope they can take care of themself and don't rely on others and think people should help.
I hope she can manage her life and finacial well that will good for her and her parents.
I hope everyone happy.
I hope I can do something meaningful instead of swallow angerness.

Friday, December 24, 2010



也许是很多待完成的事还很多而且也耽误了,大概已留下不好印象,或自己不满意这样的工作表现,所以心情与 郁闷和点点的扰人。。。所以看到点不顺眼的事就特别上心了。。。。

无法忍受。untoleraeble.........! FUCK!

i Will have my wonderful life soon! fuck off mother fucker!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

kind of like typing : if its no need to consider about grammar and language problem.and that typing english is way more fun than typing in chinese.If chinese its not too much to be writter ,i will prefer to write it,as it will have more "feel:~~anyway,its really fun to type english especially its getting faster and faster and skill getting better and better,mistakes lesser and lesser,and chances looking at keypand is lesser and lesser...It's fun...If I have dozen thing in my mind that needed to type it out like have a lot of thought or story in my mind that like to tell,it will be fun job for me to tell all things in my mind by typing it,flow it out by typing it.....

these fews days start looking for information about selling web to make it own business,how to make it SOHO,what need to be learn,what need to concern on sales and marketing ,how to start,and others people experience...   Have bookmark so many pages,hope through internet searchable information enough to make me success in this line ,or may be manage to find a dream carreer,which I can work passionately,freely,and to choose the image I like to have,free to decide working hour and place to work,passionate as I provide value to others and manage to help lots of people solve their problem by my professions,love to be,and love to do....and ofcourse,last but not least,with a great income better end with a passive income..DREAM DREAM DREAM!

So far Website design service its the only one which nearest to fulfill my dream carreer requirement....
Not necessary have to be only website design service,welcome any other possibilities,as long as it can fit most of my dream career requirement,than will open to any!

Hope I will get into my dream career and have my dream life soon!
God Bless!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

转载 一篇关于寂寞的文章

寂寞不一定都能通向成功,但所有的成功必来自寂寞奋争的过程。耐得寂寞,需要“八风吹不动,独坐紫金台”的冷静与执著,在平淡中坚守是一种高尚的信念,一 种强烈的追求,一种坚忍的持守力和意志力。耐得寂寞是毅力与自制的体现,更是一种很难达到的人生境界。 耐得寂寞才能不寂寞,耐得寂寞才能成就一番事业。寂寞是一种沉默,一种成功前的沉默;只有耐得住寂寞,才有时间和精力去刻苦钻研,认真陶冶。少了物质的羁 绊,少了心灵的枷锁,做事情就会更加投入和纯粹。
寂寞不是踯躅街头的惆怅,也不是徘徊巷尾的颓废,更不是借酒消愁的沉沦;寂寞不是百无聊赖,无所事事的闲话,散淡与停滞,更不是真正的孤独或寂灭,而 是一种不凑热闹,不赶时髦,不追风潮的生活境况和生存方式。它是天空中星间的空隙,它是等待点燃的青春火炬……只有忘记了世间一切庸俗,才能深味寂寞的真 谛;只有在寂寞的时候回首,才能看见那歪斜却实在的脚印;只有在寂寞的时候细细品味,才能冷静地思索壮丽的人生。
耐得住寂寞,方能心灵平静、宠辱不惊,才能从人生的苦痛与厌倦中得到解脱。试想,如果是一个心浮气躁、利欲熏心的人,怎甘心寂寞?岂能不受物欲的奴 役?人,一旦不愿与寂寞为伴,终将留下人生的败笔。耐得住寂寞,才能不为外物所诱,抛开私心杂念,不浮躁,不盲从,保持正确的人生态度和价值取向。有的人 杂念很多,一旦不能如其所愿,就会怨天尤人,不思进取,在自甘堕落中荒废人生。倘若耐得住寂寞,就会拨开云雾见晴天。
“两弹一星”的功勋们,就是深居大漠,甘于寂寞,才做出惊人业绩。数学家陈景润就是数年寡居陋室,才有了“哥得巴赫猜想”。努力地走出浮华,沉潜下 来,得失不计,性静情逸,朝看晨露早霞,暮观流云夜月。没有心累神疲,没有追随的劳碌,世事于我如浮云。如此寂寞着自己,该是何等的境界。




真的是 ,他妈的。

More about me

Real Me
Will not expose that easily.Will keep it at a safe place.In diary:90%,In blog 70%,in social network,30%.Not dare to share my true personalities,as feel tired to try adapt peoples misinterpretation.So will keep the real me at those place where no need to adapt people.Anyway,I am still finding out what is the 100% me.

To Others
I am an ugly Ducking .
As I seldom hang out with friend and do those thing what most of my age people will do.most of the time being alone.
The normal part of me will be :  stick with boyfriend quite often.or spent some time to  family.
Most of the time are alone or working time.
Regardless seem like an ugly duckling to others.Yet,comfortable with my current social status most of the time.(never bother and feel lucky to be away from certain kind of "waiste-time-people".)
Most of the time,believing I will turn out to become a lovely Swan,that Its right choice to be different with others now.

Social Me
After having a place for the real me,I will definately  find a place for myself at social network.But that will not appear as the real me but the one I want to be acknowledge by others,building a desire image,likeable,and make people envy and admire on me.

Living life to fullest is my final goal for my whole life.Of course,social successful is one of it that i wouldn't neglect.Anyway I will prioritize whole plan rather than sink into unnecessary relationship...

Day Job
Currently--I am a sales designer in partial ID industries.Not so excited to talk about it as I did not put heart and soul into it as I haven't decide to make it my lifetime career,as I still finding out what I truly want and what is the best choice for me,and I didn't proud on it.I choose this at the very beginning its because of I have interest in Interior Design,without enough qualification ,I can only start to involve in ID industry start from partial ID industry where only do cabinet but not Interior A-Z.Anyway,overall its not that bad,60% of time I enjoy my job,and it help me to survive at this moment.just that I know that It's not the best for me and I can have better elsewhere doing elsething that cause dissatisfaction.I want to have a job that I will have a sense of pride on doing it that I can be contributive with my ability,be a useful and smart lady,and enjoy doing every detail at the same time,and with unstoppable of income flow in...(refer to Dream Carreer)

Part-time Job
I am a singer,not-A-class singer,perform at not-A-class place.Sometime I sing at some function like wedding or event like opening ceremony or beauty contest.Sometime i perform with my lovely white guitar.Anyway I sing more better than playing guitar.know little of piano as well but not yet to the level to perform.
I have tried once to be an Emcee,for opening ceremony,perhaps will do more in the future. 
A lot people said I have talent to be model,but never tried before,may be in the future will give a try.
Looking forward to widen my horizon,to expand my abilities,trying out new thing,at the same time improve on current status like sing,guitar,and piano,sing and play better,more songs,more better place,more happy and enjoy

like to learn
photography--to make a remark on wonderful life.
every express beautiful thing--art,design,music,handcraft,fashion,beauty
interesting knowledge to widen my  eyescope

start putting effort on health issue as realize importance to polish this machine to make it work better.

always try to look better.

 Read more ,think more to find out more about the real me,
 Do something to succeed my social life/to achieve my desire social status.
 Find out and get into my dream career soon,
 Develop my skill and talent to the maximum,
 Learn new thing and keep improving and expanding in every aspect of life

December Life 十二月的生活

连续两晚都比平时盛装打扮。。一天唱function(jazz restraunt), 一天去婚礼(穿旗袍还真好看的。。hehe)...


对于身材上做出的努力,胸,cellulite,hand scar...



suzuki swift white,
dream own house
dream carreer,
dream life.........



我要善用balance transfer,尽可能减少付利息,和拖长偿还期限。
另外,10%供储蓄,以备未来投资 之用,



                    也许可以赚到5千至上万的收入。。。可以选择自己要的形象--又能力又tasteful的smart girl.....

后来,除了犹豫一直要不停的sales call.....

总会找到一个dreamcarreer... 能有自主工作时间,地点,
                                                wear smart, 
                                                be smart (contributive),,能发挥自己的能力,能以自己的能力帮助别人( 人家需要我的服务,喜欢我的服务),



所以,达到什么,并没有意义,只要是能进步,能提升,能拓展,就是living life to fullest!

I want to live my life to fullest!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

fucking hate working under environment with so many of noise!!
thought this office only you alone working meh?brainless!!fucking go back home and listen whatever shit you want to!!!damn hate it!!bull shit!
is it something that god want me to quit this job?

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

my wonderful life

there is so many thing i can do:
to upgrade my room(air,decorate...)
to upgrade my body(hair,figure,skin)
to improve at day job,system,sales,design,plan,carreer,direction,purpose for different stage
to improve at night job,sing,guitar,songs,emcee
to improve health condition,physically and mentally(meditate,religion)
to read and learn to get rich,
to plan and prepare for better future,
and to enjoy my wonderful life!!
I have my grandparents,mother and sibblings ,cutie suki and boyfriend!
everything is wonderful as it is and extra wonderful that thats always room for me to improve and be more and more wonderful! wuhuu!!


I want to do something on my physical besides of health issue:

wanna a smart haircut and nice coulour,want have a more fresher and energetic look
wanna massage tool that help me massage on my breast,waist,buttock and others part of my body.

keep apply breast enhacing esssense,
keep apply bi-oil to lighten hand scar,and buttock cellulite,
keep apply lotion for more moisturize skin

and afterward will do something to tone whole body muscle,
especially waiste line ,tummy,and buttock.

going to have a perfect body,breast,waiste,buttock,tone muscle,skin tone,smooth skin!!haha!
 cant wait!

breast--megavenus/suck cup/f-cup cookie
waist/abdomen--aibi belt


My action to be taken  to acheive better health is to..

  IN :                                              OUT:
x fried food,                                    more peeing,
x meat,                                            more toilet---raisinmorning, (昨天吃了点,今天一早一直吃,还挺有效的哦!) 
x egg
x seafood,
x beef,
x nuts,
x coconut contain food,
drink more water,
x soda drink
x ice drink

 pray after wake up and before sleep
 shower before 9pm,
 sleep 6-7hour
 deep breathing x10 ,three times a day(to active lymphatic system)

So far ok,at least i get started,deep breath at lease once session a day,lesser and lesser ice or cold drink,drink more water,lesser nuts,lesser soda drink lesser meat,no beef,less egg and seafood!

Moving forward.
Better physical condition so that I can move further.

*              *            *            *          *        *                             *          *            *
轻食: 早上 : 有机豆奶加血型营养,




Monday, December 13, 2010

Alone in office,blogging with my lovely white laptop,listen to classical music.
Have wonderful books to read that I can learn to improve myself....
Lots work to be done,things to be sort out,and job to be delivered.
My lovely room and comfortable bed awaits me....
And Ive just received call from my boyfriend ask me where am I and want to go for movie....

Regardless the disgusting feeling I have now and tiring physical body...

In Fact,I am having such a wonderful life.
feel disgusting right now.
I only have my nutrition drink for breakfast and did not eat until 5pm I take 3 chocalate appollo as a late breakfast and get a chicken lagsana afterwards...

Its probably because of the food,and take it in bad timing,and somemore I have a tiring previous week that my body probably are in no good status.

Now Im feeling disgusting...and a little bit down
May be go home after shower straight to bed.
gotta be good to my body,tools to help me achieve thing in material life.she cant  work her best without enoughh resting and proper food...that will cause the situation like this moment,physically and mentally uncomfortable...



坏事 bad thing

像是。。。自己词穷,表达力弱,说活有 aunty的影子(不利落,语音上,语文上)

     能够发现自己词穷表达力欠佳,说活不行,这个发现已经是好事一桩了! 那表示我又有东西可以进步,发展了。


It always have something bad in life,
like...I do not have any friend,
like...I am bad in describing or expressing ,and talking in a less elegant way...

but think twice,all of these actually is something great!
     All the friend I am having are those who only wasting my energy .Isn't that great to live wihtout them as I can use my energy at better place?
     The awareness of knowing myself bad in certain thing,its actually a great thing happening,as it reaveal that I've something to improve and to move forward !

everything is good thing!















Life and Face Book

Just browsing one of my old friend FaceBook. Her life seems good,with her cute daughter and beloved husband,delicious food photos...

I always have a thought that FB is not where I will share everthing of me.It will only be certain part of my life that I hope to known by others...In others words,its a place to build an image of me that  I want to have in front of others.For instances,in fact I'm that kind of people enjoy silence,welcome be-alone-time,but regretly It will misinterpreted by other that I'm a freak which I do not want to be known as this.Wanted a private freedom life and be good in others people eye at the same time,FB will be my solution to it that  I can build up an image I want to  be known by others like a girl that having wonderful life with different wonderful people,at wonderful place,doing wonderful thing,having wonderful time,at the same time I didn't sacrifice the real me,I still can be whoever I am,and comfortable with my social status.

or,I did not like something or someone ,but sometimes it just not convenient or not neccessary to tell whole world.So,I will remain the real me on diary or this blog.On FB,Its just like in real life,have to deal with people with mask.

 Something like that.

Best is when I can juggle that,Worst is when I totally out of connection with outside world,currently ,I think my status is still bearable as I have awareness on it and definately I will do something on it.

However,I have got more thing to do.I will keep looking for the real me,at the same time I will build a connection with outside world in an ideal way:being known the way I want,and I'm comfortable on it......Connection to others its just part of life.No matter I like it or not,It is,and I believe no matter how is it,Its appear to help me to acheive a fuller life.

I know that finally I will have eternal peaceful soul deep down,and have a appropriate social status.

Towards better life.

Living environment upgrading

   lovely ambience
   room air quality(dust,smell,oxygen)

bedroom indoor plant
    room air quality(dust,smell,oxygen)


led light plant in glass ball

christmas peace angel in crystal ball with light
    lovely and peace feeling

christmas tree earring hanger
   loveyly and functional

    bring fortune

green clothe washing
  healthy from chemical smell

anti dust  spray?

I want ...

            My own lovely house with lovely environment,
                   lovely lighting,(calm,comfortable,relax,peaceful)
                         lovely classy unique contemporary zen european interior design
                         functional electrical appliances,(tv,soundsystem,washing machine,dryer,silent air con,kitchen,it)
                        comfortable furniture,(bedding,sofa)
                        silence private space,(for rest,relax,thinking,planning,studying,learning)
                       bedroom,bathroom,dressing room,store room,living room,kitchen,laudry,study room,art /music room,green  
            I Phone
                         cool outcome

            Suzuki Swift in White.
                   smooth driving experience
                        silence inside  car
                        cool outcome

My getting better life .

     I have done it finally,with courage and without thinking too much!
     I start perform with my lovely white guitar on stage! It felt great! with my lovely white guitar,and with a brand new identity : im not only singer but cum guitarist...wuhoo!      Regardless of lack of skill on long as I have started it!! that's already excited me!

     I have my first emcee experience! Its not perfect performance however,but I have certain talent on it that acknowledge by an experience Emcee cum DJ,TV hosting ^^ ~

      I feel so great , this two thing has been  something I had it only in mind,but now It finally run out from my mind and turn to reality!

      I want to keep learning neccessary skill and make myself good at it after this!!
      I've got a cool lesson from it : sometime thinking too much or considering too much will only cause procastination,so JUST START IT ! Life will show you the way,good one!

start blogging

I am a diary person.I jot down lovely thing in my life,to spread blissfulness,
                                 I write down my emotion or bad thing to release negative energy within me,
                                 I talk to my self in diary,ask myself,answering myself,to find way to improve...
      ~as I love to note down how wonderful my life was already,to remind the future me.
      ~as I love to let the future me know that no better how bad I felt ,all will passed,and I will always be   fine, no matter how bad the situation was,It's always does not matter at all.My life still wonderful in fact.
     ~as I love to find way to improve,in every aspect of my life,to live my life fully.....

Anyway,that is a need for me to start blogging to make diary-ing more effiecient....
              I can jot down more lovely thing and minimise chances of missing out such precious gift
                        as typing is way more faster and I no need to pay full concentration when writing on one
                        thing and cause losing some others thing.
               I can release more of my negative emotion within me but not focusing too much on it
                        doing it faster than writing ( I can release it and no worry of being directed by it at the
                        same time).
               I discuss to myself more thing by typing,no worry of tiring writing it and waste                   
               unnecessary effort on writing rather to thinking itself.

Besides of that, I wanted to leverage this to improve my english language,
                                       to improve the ability of descibing incident/thought,expressing thought...
                                       and  more....

I believe life suppose to be live in full,and I am looking forward to make it happen,by start blogging at the first place. And I believe that life itself always is wonderful,and I have always been taken care of....

This is me

I am Malaysian Chinese Girl. Day job in Partial of ID industry as sales designer(not really designer)... Night,a not-A-class performer,as a singer sometime cum guitarist at not-A-class place,sometime at function like wedding dinner,opening or event like beauty contest. tried to be MC once for opening ceremony. considerably talented(music,art...) but underdeveloped. An ugly duckling,have different life with people around me.Most of the time comfortable and prefer my current social status. full of to do list(wishes) for my life,always. finding my way to expand every aspect of life and want to live life to fullest.